Gauges & Accessories

Showing 145 - 168 of 180
Showing 145 - 168 of 180

SAAS has long been supplying the Automotive Aftermarket with a wide range of performance gauges and gauge accessories. From the latest in-dash mounted Speedo and Tacho to dual reading gauges perfect for that 4WD fit-out, even Carling type gauges that mount in your spare switch panel slots. Diameters including 52mm (2"), 66mm (2-5/8"), 89mm (3-1/2"), 95mm (3-3/4"), 127mm (5").

[Muscle Series I and II]  [TRAX by SAAS]  [Autoline]  [Streetline]

Tachometers - Speedometers - Oil Pressure - Air/Fuel - Boost - Temperature - Timers - Voltmeter